1 | AGORA | Agric/Multi disciplinary | www.aginternetwork.org |
2 | American Institute of Physics Journals | Applied & Multi discIplinary Physics | www.aip.org/pubs |
3 | America National Biography Online | Biography | www.anb.org |
4 | American Physical Society | Applied & Multi discIplinary Physics | www.aps.org |
5 | British Instituteÿ of Radiology Journal | Medical - radiology | www.birpublications.org |
6 | Cambridge University Press | Multi disciplinary | www.journals.cambridge.org |
7 | Cochrane Library | Multi disciplinary | www.thecochranelibrary.com |
8 | CREDO Reference | Multi-disciplinary | www.credoreference.com/login.do |
9 | Duke University Pressÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | Multi-disciplinary | https://read.dukeupress.edu/journals/pages/Browse_by_Title |
10 | EBSCO host | Multi-disciplinary | http://search.ebscohost.com |
11 | Edinburg University Press Journalÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | Multi-disciplinary | www.euppublishing.com |
12 | Edward Elgar Publishing | Multi- disciplinary | www.elgaronline.com |
13 | Emerald | Bus Admin/Mgt/Info Tech | www.emerald.com/insight |
14 | Euclid Maths & Statistics Online | Mathematics, Statistics Studies Law, History | http://projecteuclid.org |
15 | Geological Societyÿÿ | Geologyÿ | www.geolsco.org.uk |
16 | HINARI | Health/Multi -disciplinary | www.who.int/hinari |
17 | HST ? Library in a digital Age | Health Sciences | http://hstalks.com |
18 | HST Biomedical | The Biomedical and Life Sciences | http://hstalks.com |
19 | IMF e-library | Economics, Statistics, Finance | http://elibrary.imf.org |
20 | Institute of Physics | Physics | www.iop.org/publications |
21 | Intellect Journal Collections | Multi disciplinary | www.intellectbooks.co.uk |
22 | Journal TOCS Premium | Multi-disciplinary | www.journaltocs.ac.uk |
23 | JSTOR | Economics, History &Political Science | http://www.jstor.org |
24 | Liebert Online | Language & Literature, Music, Math/Statistics & Education Biotechnology, clinicalÿÿ medicine and law,Biomedical | www.liebertpub.com |
25 | New England Journal of Medicine online | Medicine | www.nejm.org |
26 | OARE Science | Multi -disciplinary | www.oaresciences.org |
27 | OSA Journals | Optics and photonics | www.osapublishing.org |
28 | Oxford Journal | Multi-disciplinary | www.oup.com |
29 | Policy Press | Social science, Information technology | www.ingentaconnect.com/content/tpp |
30 | Project MUSE online | Humanities & Soc Sci | http://muse.jhu.edu |
31 | Royal Society Journals online | Biological, physical andÿ philosophical Sciences | www.royalsocietyublishing.org/journals |
32 | Royal Society of Chemistry | Chemistry | http://pubs.rsc.org |
33 | Royal College of Physicians | Clinical medicines & Public Health | www.clinmed.rcpjournal.org |
34 | Sage Journals | Humanities | http://online.sagepub.com |
35 | Sage ResearchÿMethods | Social Science & Science | http://www.srmo.sagepub.com |
36 | Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics Journal | Mathematics | http://www.siam.org/journal |
37 | Taylor & Francis | Multi-disciplinary | www.tandfonline.com |
38 | University ofÿ Chicago Press | Multi disciplinary | www.journals.uchicago.edu |
39 | University of California Press | Sociology, Social, ÿÿInteraction, Human, research & Bio-ethicsÿÿÿÿ | www.ucpressjournals.com |
40 | Wiley?Inter science | Multi-disciplinary | http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com |
41 | World bank e-libraryÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ | World Bank publications | http://wdronline.worldbank.org |
42 | ScienceDirect | Multi-disciplinary | https://www.sciencedirect.com/ |
43 | Scopus | Multi-disciplinary | https://www.scopus.com/ |
44 | Buku eBooks | e-books | https://buku.io/gh/ |
45 | ProQuest eBooks | e-books | https://udslibrary.remotexs.co/user/login |